Aircross Model

The sidewalls can be closed to help regulate indoor temperature during the cold season or left open
all around to provide ventilation during the warmer season.

Ideal for a Wide Range of Sporting Activities:
• Horse-riding • Baseball • Football • Swimming • Volleyball • Soccer • Tennis • Basketball • Athletic training • Bowling • Gymnastics • Hockey • Ice skating • Martial arts • Lacrosse • Field Hockey •
Model Characteristics
Robust Framed Structure made from galvanized steel consisting of arcs connected by pantograph bars requiring no maintenance
Resistant to Wind Speeds and Snow Loads up to 70mph wind loads with 3 second gusts up to 100mph, and snow loads of 30lbs per square foot. Confirms to IBCO
Easy access Pedestrian Doors with crash bars designed for safety, enhance traffic flow, temperature control and secured by lock and key.
Durable Fabric consisting of heavy-duty Class 2 fire retardant PVC fabric resistant to 100,000 folds on the same spot with an impressive working temperature range of between - 30°C and + 70°C
Secure Anchoring of Structure and Fabric with all junctions bolt fastened allowing for a stronger cost effective structure that is sturdy and well tensioned.
Warranty is 10 years for steel structure and 6 years for the PVC cover