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Our Six step Installation Process

Advanced Custom Engineered Structures have very few components, so once they're manufactured and shipped to the installation site, depending on the size it can take only a matter of days to weeks to erect one. Our construction teams and installation supervisors have many years of experience in proper steel erection and fabric installation. After the steel sections and fabric cover fabrication is complete, a logistics team works on shipping all materials to the installation site and an installation means and methods is developed to make sure the structure is properly installed with as minimal time on site as possible.

There are basically six steps to the installation process. Here are those steps broken down for you:

  1. Mobilization - This step includes ensuring workers on construction sites are fully informed about the organization and operation of the site and of their responsibilities (safety & location analysis), receiving equipment, tools, and materials, as well as inventory inspections and inventories of materials.

  2. Establish a Work Zone and Access - in this step we provide any life safety systems required and establish any physical barricades required to protect people or property. We also remove any unnecessary items from our work area. Our installation team always conforms to proper OSHA requirements, and arranges all necessary PPE (Personal protective equipment) prior to the start of the installation.

  3. Steel Erection - most fabric structures require structural steel to support them. Many times there are also wire ropes or strand cables integrated into the structure. In this step of the process crews will erect all steel members and cable supports and ensure they are all set to their design intent.

  4. Fabric Cover Installation - there are two basic procedures for deploying the fabric covers. The first is to hoist it into position by use of crane or rigging. The second is to land the folded fabric bundle on temporary wood beams on top of the steel arches and deploy it. Each job is unique and the method for deployment is always slightly different. Once a fabric cover has been deployed it will be fastened and tensioned over the previously set structure.

  5. Doors and/or Curtain Installation - curtains are supplied in rolls, each roll is half a curtain, the first step consists of unrolling the curtain partially to identify the ends. Once the ends have been identified, start sliding them along the pre-fab installed track on both extremities. Once the two half curtains have been assembled, close them towards the center, then fix the external edge of the curtain to the steel beams with a fiberglass strip and self tapping screws. Doors come in variety of models. Typically it is most common to source a local door expert to perform these types of installations.

  6. Detailing - once fabric covers are tensioned, and the curtains and/or doors are installed, the structure will be detailed out. In this step all cleaning and touch ups will be completed and a final inspection will be conducted prior to holding a customer walk through.

Other essential components of our Project Managers' checklists include ensuring that the right equipment and tools arrive on site on-time, and protecting the fabric cover from sharp surfaces, keeping mindful of the weather, completing a thorough inspection of all connections, and finally, closing out and signing off with the customer.

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